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A Warm Welcome

Welcome to The William Alvey Church of England School 




Thank you for taking the time to visit our school website. If asked where the best place to start looking at our website is, I would strongly suggest watching the film, which is just above these words. The film gives a good overview of what life is like at the Alvey. I would then suggest digging a little deeper by looking through the tabs as they are listed. We have tried to order them in a way that we think is most logical and so that each page builds on the others.

I would then suggest you visit us during the school day if you are considering joining us. I am incredibly proud of all the children and staff at the Alvey. I am certain if you visit, you will see for yourself why I am so proud. That certainty is based on showing many visitors around the school and the compliments I have received about so many varying aspects of the school, as well as the praise I have received about our children from members of the local community and from representatives of places they have visited.

I do hope you get what you need from our website, whether you are a prospective parent or an established one. If that is not the case, please contact us directly. Should you be a prospective parent, I do hope you come to visit us during the school day and see, at first hand, how magical our children, and school are.

Thank you again for visiting our website and I look forward to seeing you soon.

With very best wishes,

Mr Farrington - Headteacher