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Pupil Premium

We receive additional funding from the government through the pupil premium. The school receives this funding for the following groups:

  • Children on income based free school meals
  • Looked after and previously looked after children
  • Service children

Income based Free School Meals

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are offered infant free school meals regardless of income. However, you may be entitled to additional support, whatever year group your child(ren) are in, through the income based free school meals scheme £1,455 (23-24) This gives you numerous other benefits (support in school, money off uniform and school trips). Your child may be able to get income based free school meals if you get any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)


Ring or e-mail for more information.


                                                                  Pupil premium reminder



Looked After and 'Post Looked After' Children

At The William Alvey School we are totally committed to supporting every one of our families.  We are incredibly proud of all our children and know that many of them start their young lives with additional challenges.  We also know we have some amazing parents who dedicate their lives to children from all backgrounds.  We recognise that if you have adopted a child or are looking after a child in short or long term care arrangement then you may have specific needs with their education and / or emotional support.

Looked after children or 'Post looked after' for adopted children now have priority in school choices. This means when making applications for Nursery, Reception and Secondary Schools your child will be prioritised over other children in recognition that sometimes they have had a difficult start in life, and they may need some additional support. We would be happy to support you with any school applications and navigate the somewhat complicated process.  

Did you know that Adopted children and those in special care arrangements receive additional funding in school?  Each child identified by the school received an additional £2,530 (23-24) for the school to spend on supporting the children.  This additional money is called 'Pupil Premium Plus'.  Our LAC Champion, Mrs Weston, is responsible for the monitoring and tracking of this spending and its impact.

Specific Support for Adopted Children and their families:

  • Our Adopted Children’s Champion leads adopted children.  This academic year the link person is Emma Weston, our Y6 Team Leader.  She can be contacted directly by parents who need support and will act as a link between home and school for issues that may be wider than the every-day issues of the classroom.  (The Class teacher always remains as the main port of call for any parent).
  • Offer a termly 1:1 support meeting.
  • Advanced notice about transition (where appropriate) - this will mean these parents will be told well in advance when the teacher changes at the end of each year and who the new teachers will be.  We hope this additional time will allow parents to prepare children for the changes.
  • The school have committed to at least annual training for all staff on the issues of attachment and how adopted children may need additional and specialist support.


                                                              Designated LAC Teacher



Service Premium

This service premium £320 (22-23) is designed to address the emotional and social well-being of forces children and address any gaps that may have arisen in their education.

We do this at William Alvey in a number of different ways but essentially through our Bluey Club.

The service premium is designed to address the emotional and social well-being of forces children and address any gaps that may have arisen in their education.

Most forces children will have had to endure times of separation from a parent, impacting their mental well-being at home and school.  Some children will have moved schools several times during their education due to frequent postings of the military parent.

In school, we have a designated team who offer support to our military children and their families, organise Bluey Club get togethers where the children can get to know each other and exciting trips out which have included Skegness Aquarium, Cranwell Aviation Museum and the Christmas Panto at Sleaford Little Theatre.

On display in our main assembly hall we have a world map where we display photos of those children with a deployed parent. We also provide countdown calendars to countdown the days with their class and a ‘Little Troopers’ certificate to award the children for their bravery and resilience when the deployment is over.

Alongside the social and emotional input we track the service children to ensure there is no gap between their attainment and national expectations. Funding is used to help pay for any identified intervention.