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Our SENDCOs are Mrs Emma Weston & Mrs Stacey Staple. You can contact them through the school office, or can catch them on the middle gate at the start and end of each day. Alternatively, email them at or

At the William Alvey, we believe that every child is unique and deserves the opportunity to thrive within an environment where they can achieve their full potential. We understand that many children with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SEND) may face specific challenges and are committed to meeting those needs with care and expertise. Staff make any adjustments and adaptations needed and draw on a comprehensive range of strategies to meet the different needs and learning styles of our learners. 

When more targeted support is needed, this may be offered in small group interventions or on a 1:1 basis. Where appropriate, we work closely with a wide range of outside agencies in order to secure appropriate assessments and support. 


You can also find a wide range of support and advice in our Padlet here: Supporting SEND at William Alvey School ( or find out more about Lincolnshire's Local Offer at LCC SEND local offer



Admission Arrangements for children with Disabilities.

The arrangements for the admission of pupils with SEND fall within our duties under the Equality Act and are the same as those applied to all pupils. Admission in the first instance is arranged by application to the school. 

In practice, school staff work hard to ensure that all children can access all areas of school life, whether they have SEND needs or not. Lessons are adapted to suit all needs, extra curricular clubs and off-site visits are open to all pupils. There is disabled access to all areas of the school. For specialist equipment, we work with outside agencies such as SEST (Sensory Education Support Team) to ensure that everything needed for you child to access school and the curriculum is in place.

If you have any worries or concerns about the admission of your child, please share these with the school office so that the most appropriate member of staff can help.