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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


The Year 2 Teaching Team are:

Mrs Warrener (Assistant Headteacher & Year Group Leader)

Mrs Clifford

Mrs Mitton-Rooke


The Year 2 Support Team are:

Mr Hill (Trainee Teacher)

Mrs Mitchell (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Van Rensburg (Apprentice Teaching Assistant) 


Year 2 children are the oldest in Key Stage 1. From that start of the year they become more independent both academically and with their organisational skills. For example, every morning they place their reading book and diary in a box in the classroom and store the rest of their belongings in their locker. The reading books are checked daily, so please record the page they read up to and if the book needs to be changed in your child's diary. 

In the reading diaries you will find lists of words that all Year 2 children should be able to spell. Homework is set on Fridays via Seesaw, but if you would prefer to have a paper copy, just let your child's class teacher know. Tasks will reinforce what the children have been learning in school that week. Although these will predominantly focus on English and Maths, they will vary each week to ensure that a range of subjects are covered.

In addition to their banded reading book, the children will choose a 'Talk About' book, either fiction or non-fiction. These are for you to read and discuss with your child. Inside the cover you will find some suggested prompt questions. We have deliberately selected books that may be beyond their current reading level as we would like to expose them to more challenging texts in order to extend their vocabulary and variety of genres. When they return the book to school, they will be able to exchange it for a different one.

Each week the children will have two Physical Education lessons, so please ensure that their PE kits are always in school. We will send PE kits home to be washed at the end of each half term. 

At present, all children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal every day. However, if your child does not want their meal on a specific day, please log on to the Farm Kitchen website using the username and password that you have been given to opt out for that day. A vegetarian option is always available and they do not have to stick to the same days each week. They will also be given a fruit snack during their afternoon playtime every day.



Autumn Term 1 - Which Journeys Have Really Made A Difference?

Autumn Term 2 - What Impact Can One Event Have On Our Lives Today?

Spring Term 1 - Could You Live In India?

Spring Term 2 - How Do Animals Survive?

Summer Term 1 - Are People or Plants More Important?

Summer Term 2 - Is It Better To Live At The Seaside?


As you will see, all of our topics have a 'key question'. They are then broken down into smaller questions, for example 'Why are journeys made?', 'Who has made a significant journey?' and 'How did people travel in the past?' as well as any other questions that the children ask throughout the topic.


As part of our 'London's Burning!' topic, we will be recreating our own Great Fire of London!