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Year 5

In Year Five, children are provided with a wide range of exciting opportunities and experiences to help them develop into mature and confident individuals.  We feel that this prepares them for the challenges of Year Six and ultimately secondary school.

Some of the many exciting events that we hope to run this year are:

  • Visiting Leicester Space Centre.
  • Activities with our Buddies.
  • Residential trip to Gulliver's Valley.
  • Stargazing Sleepover.
  • Bikeability

                                                    ... and much much more!

The Year 5 Teaching Staff are:

Mrs L. Reynolds- Year Leader

Mr M. Grayling

Mrs L. Francis

The Year 5 Support Staff are:
Mrs J. Hoff

Mrs D. Lau

Mrs B. Pearce 1:1

Year 5 Topics - Term 1

T4W - Creating tension and atmosphere

TfR - The promise

Maths - Maths No Problem

Science - Properties of material

History - The Romans

PE - Invasions games/gymnastics

Art - Charles Rennie Mackintosh


Things you need to know in Year 5:

Below are some important documents for Year 5.  Keep checking back for information about forthcoming parents meetings, newsletters and important dates.


English and maths homework is given out on a Monday and should be returned by Thursday.   Please note this may sometimes be via seesaw.  Please let your child's teacher know if there are any issues.

TTRockstars - we expect all children to complete at least 10 sessions a week - please let us know if your child cannot access this outside of school.

Reading expectations

We expect the children to read for 25 minutes per day in year 5 (the standard required for Renaissance Master Class). Reading diaries are checked and signed by their class teacher weekly. Please ensure that these are filled out at least four times per week.