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William Alvey: A Church School

We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. We are also a Church school and are very keen to ensure that the children understand what being a Christian means, in this way we hope the children can make an informed choice about the way they lead their lives. At our heart we have the belief that all children are revered and respected as a member of our community where all are known and loved by God, we believe all pupils are individually unique and that every child in our care should fulfil their potential in all aspects of their person hood: physically, academically, socially, morally and spiritually. Our aim is that all may flourish and have an abundant life. At William Alvey we feel we have a duty to try to remove any factor that might represent a hindrance to a child’s fulfilment. We want all pupils to willingly engage in learning in a safe and welcoming environment.

We know that modern life and the development of technology  brings many new opportunities for our children to develop their talents in and out of school. We also know that this can sometimes mean the Church is being pushed out of our children's lives. At the William Alvey we do our best to promote a Christian ethos but also try and link it to modern day living.

Collective Worship

A daily act of collective worship is a very important aspect of school life at William Alvey. Before COVID:

Monday: Whole School
Tuesday: Celebration of Good Work
Wednesday: Choral Worship
Thursday: Year Group Assembly
Friday: Whole School

A candle and a cross also forms an integral part of every act of collective worship which ends with a prayer. We have close links with our parish church, St. Denys' in Sleaford.. Church Ministers take  assemblies, participate in classroom teaching and regularly visit the school. The children are familiar with our church through end of term services, festivals and carol services   as  well  as  using  the   church  as part   of  their  studies in R.E. and History. They also take part in church events, and services.   Arrangements  for  the  act of  Collective  Worship  and  for Religious Education are made by the school in  accordance with the requirements of the 1944  Education Act and the Education Reform Act 1988.

Our Bishop's Visitor

Mrs Risdell became our Bishop's Visitor in September 2013. She has helped us strengthen the link between us and our parish church. Mrs Risdell has also established a much closer link between our school and the Diocese of Lincoln.

Before COVID, Mrs Risdell was in school every Monday afternoon and regularly took interested children on the prayer walk. We maintained contact over the pandemic and started visits again in March 2022.

Three times a year, she reads the Bishop's letter either in Church or during the last assembly of term. We then display the letters on our special wallboard.

What makes us a Church School?

Collective worship 

We ensure there is a daily act of collective worship. In our assemblies we ensure it is predominantly Christian, that a cross is visible and we end with a prayer. We have a 'William Alvey Assembly Crew' (WAAC) who get the chance to evaluate the assembly and suggest changes/improvements.

Religious Education 

We have been updating our curriculum. The RE curriculum is delivered by a specialist RE teacher and forms part of the Agreed Syllabus which includes multi-faith enrichment.

Wisdom, knowledge and skills

The school's vision ensures the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum (including spiritual, moral, social and cultural development) that enables all pupils to develop the wisdom, knowledge and skills they need to flourish.

SMSC records
Vision (and development)

Buddy system
SEND provision
Pastoral care

Hope and aspiration

The school’s vision supports the personal development of pupils, giving them hope and aspiration for themselves and the communities of which they are a part.

Community awards

Personal Development statement
Twitter feed


Inclusion policies
Surveys and questionnaires

Community and living well together

The school’s vision promotes an understanding of and respect for diverse communities, enabling all to live well together.

Link with Lahore
Bishop's Visitor
Relationship with St Denys'  (including school performances)
In the NEWS 
LGBT staff training (see training programme/CPD)

Race awareness staff training (see training programme/CPD)
Charity events and fundraising

Dignity and respect

The school’s vision creates an environment where all pupils, regardless of their background, can flourish because all are treated with dignity and respect

Safeguarding audit
Pupil premium statement
Inclusion policies

Links with the past (William Alvey, Mary Beavis, Charlie Penson and Brian Fowler
Outcomes (academic results)


The Brian Fowler Tragedy

Our Service Sheet-Sleaford

Charlie Penson